links, etc
Exclusive | Trump Advisers Seek to Shrink or Eliminate Bank Regulators - WSJ
from that great bastion of left-wing freakouts, the WSJ. this does not bode well. how long will it take for the next version of credit default swaps to bog us down and we get to do that most american of things, providing corporate bailouts? (
2024 was the warmest year ever in Duluth - Duluth News Tribune
it’s 5-jan, 2025 and there’s no meaningful amounts of snow in duluth either. the guys at my local bike and ski shop are in a deep, no play outside funk. so am i.
Binge Shopping: How Tech Is Enabling America’s Addiction - Barron’s late stage capitalism at its finest. (
They Were Denied Insurance After a DNA Test - The Atlantic
just in case you forgot you were 0wn3d. remember all that grousing about “death panels”? turns out that american’s are totally cool with them, they just prefer that they be administered by corporations that they pay through the nose to.
How to: Get to Know iPhone Privacy and Security Settings | Surveillance Self-Defense
a solid rundown of the various privacy and security settings that are available in ios in increasing levels of lockdown. i like how they’ve characterized this as, surveillance self-defense.