18-Sep, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens | The New Yorker nothing revelatory but a useful reminder nonetheless.

September 18, 2022 · steve ulrich

11-Sep, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc AOC on the Fight for Abortion Rights and Whether She’ll Ever Be President | GQ just a straight up solid interview. i’m a fan. Research talk: Cloud networking for a post-Moore’s Law era - Microsoft Research this disgorged itself from my reading/watch queue. there’s some interesting tidbits in this video. in case you missed the memo from the past couple of week’s SIGCOMM paper releases. optics and direct connection are the new hotness, particularly for AI workloads....

September 11, 2022 · steve ulrich

10-Sep, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Why is China so Obsessed With Food Security? this was an interesting read. summary, china’s on the edge wrt food security and understands the potential impacts associated with food embargos, etc. should it invade taiwan. the stats ref’d are not encouraging. though, the efficiency and performance of their crop yields sounds impressive.

September 10, 2022 · steve ulrich

01-Sep, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc The Obsessive Pleasures of Mechanical-Keyboard Tinkerers | The New Yorker well, this hit a little close to home.

September 1, 2022 · steve ulrich

30-Aug, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc caught the ‘rona. catching up on reading. 240/4 As Seen by RIPE Atlas | RIPE Labs the tl;dr - amazon and VZ are using 240/4 internally. hardly shocking. still, let’s get our collective shit together on the IPv6 migration. A Simple Rule for Planning Your Fall Booster Shot - The Atlantic i’ve been holding out for the bivalent vaccines and an extended weekend wedding did me in. looks like i should still get crackin’...

August 30, 2022 · steve ulrich