08-Jul, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc A Mirror of Nature | Mike Edmunds | Inference i cannot look away when i see articles about the the antikythera mechanism. Let the Rich Have Their Supertalls - The Atlantic technological innovation is really the only place where trickle down economics works. (yes, i’m being loose with that term.) besides, if you put all the rich in towers, it’s that much easier to find them when you want to eat them....

July 8, 2022 · steve ulrich

07-Jul, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc A six-figure income is needed to comfortably afford a home in the Twin Cities, nation | MinnPost unsurprising. it’s not just houses, rents are going through the roof and building is a total pain in the ass. In Defense of Dollar Cost Averaging – Of Dollars And Data mock my lazy investment style all you want.

July 7, 2022 · steve ulrich

04-Jul, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Hemingway’s Mysterious, Thrilling Style | The New Yorker how had i not read this before?

July 4, 2022 · steve ulrich

Jun 2022 - links, etc.

links, etc [2205.04193] SRv6: Is There Anybody Out There? i wonder how much press this will get from the SRv6 evangelism task force (aka cisco marketing)? I Should Be Able to Mute America much this. The Return of Industrial Warfare | Royal United Services Institute there’s a lot to unpack in this article. though, i’m not quite sure how i ran across it. the only plus side to rampant gun ownership in this country is the fact that there’s a robust market for small arms ammunition which might help ramp up production in wartime....

June 16, 2022 · steve ulrich

May 2022 - links, etc.

links, etc Exposed by a Strava KOM: The many lives of a fake pro cyclist - CyclingTips there’s so much in this article that’s just bonkers. A Fundraising Email from the Galactic Senate Majority Leader - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency this largely represents the state of my INBOX. having made a contribution to one politician has resulted in being spammed for months on end by a collection of politicians that i’ve never heard of in races i cannot summon the righteous angst for, particularly relative to the number of asks for my moolah they make....

May 2, 2022 · steve ulrich