i’ve been recommending this to anyone who will sit still long enough to
listen to me on this stuff. there’s some really interesting 2nd order
networking effects from this paper. perhaps not of interest to the majority
of enterprise folks, but if you’re a member of the “crap is better and moar
iterations” school of thought … breathe deeply. were i a “blogger”, there’s
good swath of twisty passages all alike in there to write about. go read
this. (oh, and make sure to read the referenced papers.)
let a thousand flowers bloom and source this crap from the vswitch. a
heretical perspective in geographies i frequent. i’ll smile and point out
that following these rules
and providing a variety of hash criteria solves, like, a lot of the stuff that
keeps folks up at night. i will point out however, that fixed format
tunneling drives me absolutely crazy. being able to overload tunnel encap
fields with additional data is handy and provides a neat means of providing
synchronicity and poor mans transactions at the data-plane. but i digress.
mcpipy - this looks like an absolute blast and
might be the gateway drug to get little dude to do his python tutorials. i
need more time in my days for this stuff.