picoferm notes and observations

overview my notes (and gripes) from using the picoferm for my most recent brew. this was an unimpressive first run with this particular product. screencap of my aborted picoferm cycle (note screencap time) beer: shankill stout picoferm unit battery life this is unpredictable at best. i was a bit concerned when i fired it up, logged into the brewhouse and noted that the projected fermentation time was longer than the projected battery life....

January 1, 2019 · sulrich

picopak sack

problem statement grains get stuck in the step filter when you’re brewing your beer. this causes problems with draining the wort and potential difficulties with the hop staging. in the first instance it meant that i lost a couple of liters of beer. in the second instance, i think my hop times got pretty thoroughly horked. fwiw, both batches, totally drinkable. solution put yo’ stuff in a sack directions get a stain-resistant nylon mesh material....

December 31, 2018 · sulrich

the trivialization of TED into a religion

this article hit pretty close to home this weekend when the TED radio hour came on and i had to ask alexa to shut it down because i couldn’t take the breathless delivery of the presenter spouting TED cliches. the tl;dr - TED’s about to become as vacuous as any other religion; titillating the senses and delivering pablum. the author doesn’t call it out in this manner. but they do a nice job of pointing out that TED’s veered into the trivializatin of things and the presentation of real problems as “puzzles to be solved....

March 8, 2018 · sulrich

enabling the guest network to airprint to internal printers

20190528 - update as of the latest stable release ( the steps described here are no longer applicable. further, the desired behavior does appear to be supported out of the box. this information should be considered historical in nature. overview by default the ubiquity APs have a number of rules in place that prevent airprint and bonjour operation from working together nicely. the following is necessary to enable guest networks to reach airprint, etc....

September 6, 2017 · steve ulrich

adblocking tug of war

interesting paper re: the mechanisms being used to discover whether or not someone’s using an adblocker. (link)

January 12, 2017 · steve ulrich