losing snow

my winter climate malaise "The feeling of losing snow", in the the atlantic hit a little close to home for me. this has been an unseasonably warm winter for us. to be fair, we’d been expecting a little warmer weather this winter. el nino had us expecting that it would be a bit warmer than usual. but road biking on christmas day in Minnesota was not on my bingo card. that it’s january 14th and i’m thrilled to have what little dusting of snow and subzero temperatures we’re currently experiencing is kind of shocking to me....

January 14, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: the future of the responsible company ...

The Future of the Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned from Patagonia’s First 50 Years (Yvon Chouinard, Vincent Stanley) i snarfed this down in a couple of hours on the plane. it’s no secret that i’m a bit of a fanboy. they seem to walk the walk and this was a remarkably compelling read in a few areas. it’s a reasonably unsparing account of the stuff that Patagonia ran into while they were cleaning up their business....

January 10, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: green earth (kim stanley robinson)

notes bookshop link recommended: yes this was a tome, and it kept getting just a few pages at a time in terms of grinding through it. it wasn’t really a grind to read, it was simply so large that i couldn’t bring myself to travel with it over the past month or so. this is actually 3 books pulled together into a single volume. i think it’s call the “science in the capital” series and it’s kind of early KSR cli-fi....

January 8, 2024 · steve ulrich

24-Dec, 2023 - morning links, etc.

links, etc The Real Reason for Marriage Polarization - The Atlantic how do conservatives expect marriage rates to rise if they keep pushing women down? how do you expect someone to get married if they don’t feel like their partner has their back when things can get medically dicey and the state backs them. #uspolitics You Are Not Your Spotify Wrapped - The Atlantic Why do we love Spotify Wrap52ped? : NPR...

December 24, 2023 · steve ulrich

reading: the planet remade

the planet remade author: oliver morton ISBN: 9780691148250 overview - initial notes the premise - yes, the world is going to see significant impacts from climate change and that these risks are worthy of addressing and yes, moving off of carbon based energy (read, fossil fuels) will be incredibly difficult. so, what are you going to do about it? misc. notes termination shock - as a term is a legit thing....

January 1, 2022 · steve ulrich