the only awkward part ...

this has been making the rounds. ...

September 10, 2012 · steve ulrich

oh the inanity

when little dude gets older, i’m going to pedantically remind him of all sorts of inane shit. i plan on bringing it up at the most inopportune times just to bug the hell out of him. ...

May 7, 2012 · steve ulrich

tales from a montessori classroom


October 10, 2011 · steve ulrich

the jailbreak underground

little dude got a cell phone. this serves primarily as a means for him to arrange his own play dates and request items that he leaves at the household for which he’s not staying during the current week. not to mention leaving me incredibly terse and cryptic (he’s still learning about asymmetric communication) SMS messages. of course he nearly immediately fixed his gaze longingly upon the nearly discarded iphone 1st generations that were sitting on the shelf and he somehow persuaded me to see about jailbreaking the phone so he could use it for an upcoming trip....

July 13, 2011 · steve ulrich