pushing tasks into omnifocus from mutt

i have an entirely text based work flow. when i’m in (neo)mutt, i don’t want to have to touch my mouse or divert from the message in hand to push something into my omnifocus inbox. this is the simplest way to get this stuff into omnifocus. ...

June 22, 2012 · steve ulrich

oh burn.

snark done well… ...

May 20, 2012 · steve ulrich

useful os x dns tricks

here’s a slick little tip that i discovered on a mailing list today. ...

April 30, 2012 · steve ulrich

dear xcode 4.3 - bite me.

since i’m in kind of a pissy mood anyways … apple, i’d like to thank you for making me waste a solid 45 minutes fixing various and sundry pointers because you decided that moving everything from /Developer to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/... was a productive way to facilitate an “upgrade”. this results in all sorts of unexpected behaviors. like oh say, an inability to find stdio.h. some quality time with xcode-select and its associated manpages as well as some judicious googling seemed to result in the appropriate behavior....

March 4, 2012 · steve ulrich

perl sorting IP addresses

if you have to deal with big ass arrays of IP addresses in perl and you need to sort things. i recommend reading the following paper. ...

November 15, 2011 · steve ulrich