perl sorting IP addresses
if you have to deal with big ass arrays of IP addresses in perl and you need to sort things. i recommend reading the following paper. ...
if you have to deal with big ass arrays of IP addresses in perl and you need to sort things. i recommend reading the following paper. ...
in no particular order. ...
about those oh so annoying window animations, make them go away: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO
this nybooks article got me to thinking about the role of the library in my life over the years. when i was a kid there were multiple trips to the library each week. we were beneficiaries of what i can recall as a solid library system. now, i don’t know how true that was/is, but the library certainly held a place of reverence in our home and i could count on it being open pretty much every day of the week....
taunt edinites ...