hardcoded DNS will bite you in the ass in the most subtle and annoying ways

tl;dr - make a list of all of the annoying places where you need to hardcode DNS entries. you’ll thank yourself later. i retired a DNS server this past week. couple that with the expiration of a couple of guest wifi passes and i discovered that there’s a hidden DNS setting on the APs that can make captive portal DNS resolution miserable if the DNS server is offline. on ubiquit APs the preferred DNS server in the AP is what’s used for the resolution of DNS for the hotspots....

December 25, 2019 · sulrich

foo-lab topology building

overview to build a virtualized network topology from the most base elements it’s as simple as starting a virtual machine with the necessary number of virtualized interfaces and interconnecting these virtual interfaces to other virtual machines or physical interfaces. while there are tools1 which will nicely automate the creation of topologies and handle the lifecycle of VMs. all of these are effectively placing a nice wrapper around the following process....

May 20, 2019 · sulrich

worms in the routing can

it looks like the fact that folks pass communities around like the common cold is a bulb that is starting to light. oft discussed over beers, but little research in this space. here’s a first run at this research. must read paper: BGP communities: even more worms in the routing can update (20190323) it looks like one of the authors has written a few blog posts on the topic as well for the RIPE folks....

March 9, 2019 · sulrich

nerd reading (may-2016)

items dislodged from my reading queue of particular interest. first off - if you don’t have the morning paper in your RSS reader, you should. nerd bits slacker: fast distribution with lazy docker containers what happens behind the scenes when you type docker run. i’ve scratched my head aplenty over the operation of AUFS and the complementary machinery around docker volumes. lots of dots get connected here. borg, omega, and kubernetes the most recent ACM queue article from the borg crew re: container scheduling at the GOOG....

May 23, 2016 · steve ulrich

gossip protocol

application layer multicast from stuff the internet says on scalability … ...

February 7, 2016 · steve ulrich