software dataplane verification

abstract The industry is in the mood for programmable networks, where an operator can dynamically deploy network functions on network devices, akin to how one deploys virtual machines on physical machines in a cloud environment. Such flexibility brings along the threat of unpredictable behavior and performance. What are the minimum restrictions that we need to impose on network functionality such that we are able to verify that a network device behaves and performs as expected, for example, does not crash or enter an infinite loop?...

November 3, 2015 · steve ulrich

guess when google showed up at MICE

MICE aggregate traffic graph

June 25, 2015 · steve ulrich

sulrich-xtr config archive

sulrich-xtr config archived LISP XTR configuration. no longer operational

June 1, 2014 · steve ulrich

interesting reads - april-2013

tech related theia - a visual tool for diagnosing hadoop issues a nice quick paper with a use of D3 for presentation. the tail at scale i’ve been recommending this to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen to me on this stuff. there’s some really interesting 2nd order networking effects from this paper. perhaps not of interest to the majority of enterprise folks, but if you’re a member of the “crap is better and moar iterations” school of thought … breathe deeply....

May 10, 2013 · steve ulrich

interesting nerd topics - Q3CY2011

in no particular order. ...

October 10, 2011 · steve ulrich