lest we think that anti-science stupidity is confined to our shores

The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands it’s interesting to see how repbulican’s pick and choose on the science that they want to believe in. but this kind of willfull ignorance seems to be spilling beyond the US in alarming ways. i’m clearly not tracking the political developments in other countries, but this is more than a little shocking. The full antiscience agenda of the Republican Party has now gone beyond our national borders....

April 1, 2021 · steve ulrich

how much do the police really cost us

an interesting breakdown on police death stats. the code is definitely worth checking out. the original source for this information is available as a CSV. The near-stability of the rate of people killed by police in Democratic cities is a success when compared to the increases in Republican cities, but it is a failure in relation to the overall goal of ending the death of civilians who interact with the police....

March 28, 2021 · steve ulrich

climate switches

He points out that, in IPCC jargon, “very unlikely” translates to a probability of less than 10 percent. But if a nuclear reactor in your neighborhood had a less-than-10-percent likelihood of blowing up, he asked, “would you be reassured?” – https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/02/climate/atlantic-ocean-climate-change.html meta location: Lanesboro weather: 41°F and Partly Cloudy

March 28, 2021 · steve ulrich

what are you staking your baseline to?

But here’s the rub: I am able to afford this faux middle-class life on $40,000 a year because I live around poverty. The median income in the city of Cleveland is $26,179; the median income in Shaker Heights, where I live, is $75,177. Nearly a quarter of Clevelanders live below the poverty line, and only about 15 percent have a B.A. And yet, true to form, there are a few small areas within the city limits that I can no longer afford to live, as developers have rushed in to build overpriced housing for a tiny segment of educated professionals....

March 28, 2021 · steve ulrich

on the odds of a nuclear conflict in our lifetimes...

As one example, during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, American destroyers attacked three Soviet submarines near Cuba and forced them to surface. No American, not even President Kennedy or his military advisors, knew that each of those submarines carried a nuclear torpedo. According to an officer on one of those submarines, its captain gave orders to arm the nuclear torpedo, but was talked down. The captain’s order makes more sense when one remembers that the last he had heard before submerging was that World War III seemed imminent; he was under attack; and surfacing would be a humiliating defeat....

March 28, 2021 · steve ulrich