11-Dec, 2022 - morning links, etc.
links, etc
It’s Public Land. But the Public Can’t Reach It. - The New York Times
a fascinating read on the loss off access to public lands when wealthy landowners decide that they want to make it theirs by ringing it with private property. two things that you should spend money on after reading this article.
- OnX - pretty amazing mapping application, reasonably priced for a year subscription. they’re doing interesting work in the realm of public access as well.
- backcountry hunters and anglers - these folks are doing the best work i’ve seen in terms of advocating for public access to public lands. that the public should have access to public lands seems obvious, but the amount of money that people throw at preventing this is breathtaking.
The Rotting Internet Is a Collective Hallucination - The Atlantic
linkrot is, real. this is an interesting and surprisingly thought provoking take on the situation. we do need durable archives (and change tracking) for referenced content.
Elon Musk’s Twitter is making Meta look smart
the plaintext newsletter hits a lot of good stuff this week. the meta advisory write up is … “chef’s kiss”.
On That ProPublica ‘Chinese Lab Leak’ Story.
this critique of the propublica lab leak break was… spot. on.