reading: erasing history (jason stanley)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly this was a disturbingly current read. it’s reasonably fresh off the press and i wrapped it up a couple of days before the election. it’s an exhaustively researched and referenced work that digs into the politically charged battles over education and the desire to create a glossy, positive history from those on the right. there’s a lot to unpack in this book despite it’s pretty short length....

November 2, 2024 · steve ulrich

02-Nov, 2024 - morning links, etc.

links, etc The Cure Returns With ‘Songs of a Lost World’ | Digs TIL, there’s a new cure album out.

November 2, 2024 · steve ulrich

TIL: ollama notes

TIL - that docker for mac doesn’t allow you to access the GPUs that you have on your mac running apple Si. this is annoying, it means that i need to run ollama with some wrappers, which isn’t the end of the world, but a bit more hassle than i was looking for. misc. notes in no particular order default ollama port 11434 making it such that i can connect to this from off localhost (i....

November 1, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: amusing ourselves to death (neil postman)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly this is a classic, full stop. i don’t know where to begin on this. a few random thoughts. it’s the first time i’ve read/seen someone provide a harsh critique of sesame street. i didn’t see that coming, though, i’d been paying attention quite assiduously to the book up to that point. i should have. the arguement here is that huxley was right, and we’d be swimming in amusement or a need for continuous dopamine hits....

October 31, 2024 · steve ulrich

TIL: OMZ was overkill, i fixed that

i discovered that i had pretty much winnowed my oh-my-zsh use down to just needing it for the spiffy git prompt updates (i.e., letting me know i had staged/unstaged changes in the current directory hierarchy. turns out eliminating this from my setup was a lot easier than i was expecting. zsh has a really nice vcs_info module that just needs to be tickled into operation. Git - Git in Zsh had just enough to get me moving in the right direction and a little bit of reading the relevant documentation got me to a slightly nicer tweak of the setup....

October 31, 2024 · steve ulrich