reading: shop class as soulcraft (matthew b. crawford)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly a few years ago i learned there were no meaningful shop class options available in the local high school. the wood shop available today is sad and pathetic compared to the shop class i had in a middle-class midwestern suburb in the late 1980s. gen-X is probably the last generation to have shop class. there’s a lot swimming around the core “philosophy” in this book. a good chunk of it meta....

April 3, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: a hacker's mind (bruce schneier)

notes bookshop link recommended: meh honestly, this didn’t get really interesting until the last 50 pages or so. there’s a couple of hundred pages of setup on what constitutes a hack, examples of “hacks” across the spectrum of society, etc. there was a bit of less than obvious discussion around how some “hacks” become entrenched into the law, how common law interacts with these “hacks” and a generally slow/ossified capability of our governmental/legal systems to address the use of said hacks....

March 31, 2024 · steve ulrich

26-Mar, 2024 - morning links, etc.

links, etc A Brief History of Inkjet Printers - IEEE Spectrum kind of 🤯 what these things are capable of. using them for DNA arrays is one of the coolest things i’ve heard in a long time. Robin’s blog – Friends don’t let friends export to CSV mind changed. will send you parquet files from now on.

March 26, 2024 · steve ulrich

17-Mar, 2024 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc The Case for Destroying Old Forest Roads | Science | Smithsonian Magazine i really didn’t realize that even abandoned forest roads were a problem. in retrospect, this makes a ton of sense. feels like we should be figuring out how to make this happen faster. Measuring NAT64 Usage in the Wild | RIPE Labs a rollicking good read.

March 17, 2024 · steve ulrich

11-Mar, 2024 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc What Monks Know about Focus - by Joel J Miller “Every acquired skill and every discipline,” says Moses, “has a scopos and a telos, some immediate goal and some ultimate goal that is particular to it. Practitioners of any skilled craft will gladly and good-naturedly work through all their fatigue and risks and costs as they keep those goals in mind.” #meditation #focus peak cherry tree blossom dates in kyoto japan....

March 11, 2024 · steve ulrich