reading: the creative act: a way of being (rick rubin)

bookshop link notes recommended: yes this has been in the reading queue for a while now. a trip to zenith books provided the irresistible impetus to grab a copy. this was not the book i was expecting. for its page count heft it’s a remarkably sparse book in terms of text. there’s a lot of white space in here. it’s less a treatise on the creative process and … living up to its subtitle, more of a discussion on a way of living/being....

November 24, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: the real internet architecture (zave, rexford)

notes bookshop link recommended: perhaps this was a dense and often redundant read with a lot of the classic, academic need to spend a lot of time on (re)naming things. to summarize … tunnels are the new internet. you might not necessarily realize/recognize what’s going on, but the focus of today’s internet is no longer end-to-end connectivity and addressing, etc. it’s what you can accomplish with tunnels. this is true, pretty much everything that you’re going to do in internet and enterprise engineering for the remainders of our life time is going to be in the service of some form of tunneling....

November 15, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: erasing history (jason stanley)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly this was a disturbingly current read. it’s reasonably fresh off the press and i wrapped it up a couple of days before the election. it’s an exhaustively researched and referenced work that digs into the politically charged battles over education and the desire to create a glossy, positive history from those on the right. there’s a lot to unpack in this book despite it’s pretty short length....

November 2, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: amusing ourselves to death (neil postman)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly this is a classic, full stop. i don’t know where to begin on this. a few random thoughts. it’s the first time i’ve read/seen someone provide a harsh critique of sesame street. i didn’t see that coming, though, i’d been paying attention quite assiduously to the book up to that point. i should have. the arguement here is that huxley was right, and we’d be swimming in amusement or a need for continuous dopamine hits....

October 31, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: the art of thinking (vincent ruggiero)

notes bookshop link recommended: yes i fell into this from zinnser’s book on writing to learn from a month or so ago. this is a textbook. it’s not funny, but i do think some of the arguments lofted in the exercises are hilariously bad. (but disturbingly close to those i’ve heard in real life for some of the issues lofted.) the book is a pretty solid and engaging dicsussion of the various fallacies and traps we can fall into when thinking about various topics and scrutinizing arguments....

October 29, 2024 · steve ulrich