reading: range: why generalists triumph in a specialized world -- david epstein

range: why generalists triumph in a specialized world (david epstein) i had to bail on this after dragging myself well over halfway through it. i just couldn’t take the repetition any more. if there was something revelatory in the last 100 pages, my skimming did not surface it. i feel fine with this. key points/messages: subjecting your kid to focus on a single sport early in life is a bad idea....

August 31, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: the happiness curve -- jonathan rauch

the happiness curve: why life gets better after 50 (jonathon rauch) i’m honestly not sure what to make of this book. i was about to drop it about halfway through. the first half is a regurgitation of the “U” curve “discovery” coming at it from various angles. to summarize, happiness is a U-shaped curve that has its trough in middle age, precise placement of the trough varies to some degree by culture and seems to move slightly to the right with life expectancy and our cultural recognition of new stages of life....

August 11, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: blindsight -- peter watts

blindsight (peter watts) i don’t know how i ran across this. likely on some recommended reading list that i’ve long forgotten about. an entertaining read, i’m pretty sure that i’ll forget all about the plot of this book within the next week. 2 notable plot elements here. there’s a vampire in the mix. this is apparently set in some world where vampires co-evolved with humans. ok, that’s a fun twist. there’s an amusing “academic presentation” on some of the backstory here within the accompanying web site....

August 4, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: number go up -- zeke faux

number go up (zeke faux) there’s not a lot to say about this book. i blasted through it on a trip to iceland. if you had any interest in the crypto grift scene that was ablaze you’ll recall most of the drama from this time. faux provides some amusing anecdotes from his experiences reporting on this multi-year shitshow and rolling grift party. if anything, this is an amusing, if at times irritating, look at the desire to make tons of money in america and the desperation that drives some really irrational behaviors....

June 1, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: under a white sky: the nature of the future -- elizabeth kolbert

under a white sky: the nature of thefuture (elizabeth kolbert) this was not a happy read. kolbert runs through an interesting collection of examples where humankind has altered the ecosystem so significantly that heroic efforts are required to preserve a species or to forestall what appears to be eminant disaster. examples explored here include coral reefs, the pupfish in the desert and a reasonably detailed discussion around geo-engineering in the interests of addressing climate change....

May 26, 2024 · steve ulrich