reading: 2034: a novel of the next world war -- ackerman, stavridis

2034: a novel of the next world war – (ackerman, stavridis) the audible version of this got me across the better part of south dakota. i can only listen to fiction via audiobook and this did the trick. it’s a solid ride through the coarse concepts of potential american decline in military dominance. or put less jingoistically, an interesting conception of what the rise of china and india means in a multipolar world order....

September 22, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: writing to learn -- william zinnser

writing to learn (william zinnser) this is not really what i was expecting it to be and it was surprisingly engaging. broadly, this is an argument for using writing as a mechanism for learning vs. learning to the test or via standard educational practices. he highlights institutions that have incorporated writing deeply into their programs. i have a natural bias towards organizations that have a culture of writing and this is perhaps the one thing that’s intrigued me about amazon work culture from what i’ve heard from friends....

September 20, 2024 · steve ulrich

the most dangerous writing prompt app

somehow i got pointed at this thing and, like a fool, i couldn’t look away … prompt: He was successful, attractive and charming but he’d learnt that people of that age always had secrets. … and go! … this was most certainly the case for chaz. chaz was brought up in the boomer generation and while he’d been fortunate enough to accumulate a small amount of personal wealth, there were clearly some “unaccounted for” expenditures....

September 18, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: master of the revels (nicole galland)

notes bookshop link i’m glad i got this on kindle, because i slogged through this for far too long. this is an amusing sequel to the rise and fall of D.O.D.O. which was done with neal stephenson as the co-author. this builds on the whole time travel via witchcraft thing which is an amusing trope that i had fun reading. superficially, the premise is kind of neat; a rogue witch who’s engaged in the government’s time travel project decides that she’s going to make witchcraft supreme and stunt the emergence of “technology”....

September 3, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: range: why generalists triumph in a specialized world -- david epstein

range: why generalists triumph in a specialized world (david epstein) i had to bail on this after dragging myself well over halfway through it. i just couldn’t take the repetition any more. if there was something revelatory in the last 100 pages, my skimming did not surface it. i feel fine with this. key points/messages: subjecting your kid to focus on a single sport early in life is a bad idea....

August 31, 2024 · steve ulrich