grazing for knowledge, then assembling the pieces

in the mid-90s someone gave me a copy of engines of creation. this blew my mind. well, more accurately, that, plus a copy of neil stephenson’s the diamond age, blew my mind. nanotech is still a ways off from realizing the vision laid out in either of these books. but we’re starting to see the nascent forms of this kind of create your own product with the emergence of low cost stereolitho gear and and micro-manufacturing....

December 20, 2011 · steve ulrich

a reasonable argument for android use

this is possibly the best reasoning i’ve seen someone use to argue for the use of android - Scripting News: Why I use Android. personally, i find the OS and the devices running it to be something of a petri dish and for and element in my life that i depend on, as much as my phone, i’m not quite to the point where i’m willing to tolerate the nature of the OS and its corresponding apps marketplace....

December 19, 2011 · steve ulrich

if this shit don't worry you - you're crazy, or stupid

warming arctic permafrost fuels climate change worries ...

December 18, 2011 · steve ulrich

what the kids are up to (media consumption)

tl;dr - tv is on life support how students consume media

December 17, 2011 · steve ulrich

christopher hitchens, 1949-2011

it’s been a bad few months; ritchie, jobs and now hitch. love him or hate him, he forced you to think and digest things. i largely loved his columns and his books but i took issue with his iraq war stance. i never wrapped my mind around the falklands bit and didn’t square with his socialist leanings. (real socialism, not the shit tea party definitions) that said, i rarely missed the opportunity to read him....

December 16, 2011 · steve ulrich