sulrich-xtr config archive

sulrich-xtr config archived LISP XTR configuration. no longer operational

June 1, 2014 · steve ulrich

the culture

don’t fuck up the culture - this piece by brian chesky (founder of airbnb) made its way across HN today. ...

April 21, 2014 · steve ulrich

the purpose of the CAPTCHA in gogo in-flight, via gogo in-flight

via @schneierblog this AM, a pointer to a wired article about how the wifi providers have cut a deal with the government to put more than the necessary lawful intercept capabilities into their systems. of particular note is the addition of a CAPTCHA to the system. ...

April 14, 2014 · steve ulrich

shortest novel

ran across this again. for personal reference. For sale: baby shoes, never worn. – ernest hemingway i had no idea that this had its own wikipedia entry. totally worth wasting a bit of time reading it.

February 23, 2014 · steve ulrich

bootstrapping the chicken

someone gave me a bit of grief the other day about my [use of the] phrase, “bootstrapping the chicken”. ...

February 3, 2014 · steve ulrich