reading: our posthuman future (francis fukuyama)

recommended: not at all this was not good. it could have been about 80% shorter and still made all of its non-points. not recommended. Annotations: 0,821 SHA-256 b55c5d733a45a1567b4087fea8ed2c9e @steve ulrich [email protected]: 679,28 …

December 18, 2024 · steve ulrich

TIL: don't need no rectangle

you can bend macos to your will raycast. (worth the pro subscription for cross device sync and the ability to replace a crapton of individual little apps.) has pretty solid window management functionality built into it these days and it does almost everything that i need it to do in terms of layout and snap-to functionality. there was one thing i kept rectangle pro around for namely the ability to move a window around without having to use the title bar....

December 16, 2024 · steve ulrich

15-Dec, 2024 - morning links, etc.

links, etc OldMapsOnline - via the orange site. this was a solid 30 minutes wasted on learning random shit. this is the best collection of U.S. state/territory map changes over time that i’ve seen anywhere. that they go and juice it with rulers/wars/people overlaid on the maps is spot on. BlenderGPT - what. the. actual. fuck? this is awesome and if 20 year old me could see this, he would totally plotz....

December 15, 2024 · steve ulrich

osxkeychain credential helper kill! kill! kill!"

the cockroach of gitconfig after every OSX update, or Xcode update, or Xcode command line tools update you will be pestered to hell and back by the ghost of the osxkeychain credential helper dialog box. % sudo nvim /Applications/ % sudo nvim /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/gitconfig from [credential] helper = osxkeychain to # [credential] # helper = osxkeychain for some reason this doesn’t get surfaced when running … % git config --get-all --show-origin credential....

December 13, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: brave new world (aldous huxley)

notes bookshop link recommended: highly this kept cropping up in the stuff i’ve been reading over the past couple of months. i figured it was time to dig into this again. i read this last in the 1990s. the book holds up extremely well and the mass suspension of critical thought and utopian dystopia it describes seems like something we’ve done a great job of slipping into ever more firmly over the past 10 years....

December 13, 2024 · steve ulrich