05-Jan, 2025 - morning links, etc.

links, etc Exclusive | Trump Advisers Seek to Shrink or Eliminate Bank Regulators - WSJ from that great bastion of left-wing freakouts, the WSJ. this does not bode well. how long will it take for the next version of credit default swaps to bog us down and we get to do that most american of things, providing corporate bailouts? (archive.is) 2024 was the warmest year ever in Duluth - Duluth News Tribune...

January 5, 2025 · steve ulrich

04-Jan, 2025 - morning links, etc.

links, etc “The Semplica-Girl Diaries,” by George Saunders george saunders has been on the “to read” list for quite some time. i haven’t dug into his books, but in reading the work of art last month, i bumped this into my long-form reading queue. this is well worth the 15 minutes or so it takes to savor it. there’s just so much in here that’s spot on. the shame at being poor in america, squandered windfalls, the casual enslavement of others....

January 4, 2025 · steve ulrich

02-Jan-2025 - links, etc.

links, etc The Silurian Hypothesis: It was the Cephalopods – Pacificklaus dorky AF. it was sucked in.

January 2, 2025 · steve ulrich

02-Jan-2025 - links, etc.

links, etc The sky as a canvas: a visual guide to the artistry and science of drone shows this was a fascinating and really well done overview of those amazeballs drone shows. this actually answered a number of questions that i had rolling around in the back of my mind on the logistics and transitions fronts. notably yes, the drone launch area more or less determines the overall size of the drone display....

January 2, 2025 · steve ulrich

02-Jan, 2025 - morning links, etc.

links, etc How Oil Companies Offload Costly Cleanup Onto the Public just in case you forgot we’re 0wn3d.

January 2, 2025 · steve ulrich