hardcoded DNS will bite you in the ass in the most subtle and annoying ways

tl;dr - make a list of all of the annoying places where you need to hardcode DNS entries. you’ll thank yourself later. i retired a DNS server this past week. couple that with the expiration of a couple of guest wifi passes and i discovered that there’s a hidden DNS setting on the APs that can make captive portal DNS resolution miserable if the DNS server is offline. on ubiquit APs the preferred DNS server in the AP is what’s used for the resolution of DNS for the hotspots....

December 25, 2019 · sulrich

enabling the guest network to airprint to internal printers

20190528 - update as of the latest stable release ( the steps described here are no longer applicable. further, the desired behavior does appear to be supported out of the box. this information should be considered historical in nature. overview by default the ubiquity APs have a number of rules in place that prevent airprint and bonjour operation from working together nicely. the following is necessary to enable guest networks to reach airprint, etc....

September 6, 2017 · steve ulrich