16-Sep, 2024 - morning links, etc.

links, etc Amazon AI: Amazon’s Secret Weapon in Chip Design is Amazon - IEEE Spectrum a fun IEEE article about how amazon does vertical integration with hardware and some interesting nuggets about their engineering process. nothing paritcularly revelatory here, but the feedback loops that they operate on and the visibility into cloud scale problems is pretty interesting. a little on the duh side of things, but likely nice when you’re working in an enviroment with effectively limitless compute you really can just throw more CPUs at the problems....

September 16, 2024 · steve ulrich

15-Sep, 2024 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Intel Honesty not a bad rundown of the current state of intel. it’s unsparing in the critique. one thing that it doesn’t do is provide any coverage of the situation the balance of the intel portfolio. of note, their horking the network stuff. barefoot tofino was binned. it wasn’t a particularly sexy asic, but it did allow operators to start having some conversations around where it made sense to turn the dial in overlay and packet processing on the host stack vs....

September 15, 2024 · steve ulrich