yo! fat tails

20231221 update: tweet link removed, account locked. snippet below. I wrote about some key takeaways from @nntaleb’s new technical book, Statistical Consequences of Thick Tails (https://t.co/Qj5ab0WtpJ) It’s a short review on fat tails in plain english, including the relationship between moments, tail indices, and pseudo-convergence (https://pic.twitter.com/X5Zbmc088J) — F Y Isaac (@gelmanisaac) December 23, 2020 source link a surprisingly readable rundown on fat tails that will force you to brush up on some old stats stuff....

January 3, 2021 · sulrich

NNT on personal finance

i’m curious as to how long this link will last. that said, pretty solid advice and reasonable take on things. far less abrasive than his twitter feed would have you think.

December 27, 2019 · sulrich