reading: last entry point: stories of danger and death in the boundary waters (joe friedrichs)

notes bookshop link recommended: yes i picked this up at the local author’s event at the fitger’s bookstore last month. it meanders a bit but pulls you through on an interesting collection of incidents and stories. there are some interesting nuggets in here around the media’s handling of wilderness incidents, cautionary notes re: planning and stories of folks who just weren’t wired for society. oh, and wolves. (just kinda)

December 10, 2024 · steve ulrich

29-Dec, 2023 - morning links, etc.

links, etc the the racket ran a year in review some nuggets that i missed. [‘It’s Your Job to Keep It Moving’: A 30th Anniversary Oral History of Radio K Racket]( shit. 30 years of radio K. this makes me feel old. There’s a Massive, Hidden Lake of Mining Residue Above the North Shore. It Might Grow. - Racket fuck.

December 29, 2023 · steve ulrich