TIL: multipass and cloud-init

TIL: cloud-init will make life easier in multipass world to start a VM and inject my ssh keys into the mix launch the vm with a cloud-init profile that creates your user and injects the right ssh key into the mix. cloud-init.yaml users: - default - name: sulrich sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-ed25519 AAAA .... invoke with appropriate injection. multipass launch -n sweet-jammy-vm jammy --cloud-init ~/.dotfiles/templates/cloud-init.yaml

January 6, 2025 · steve ulrich

foo-lab topology building

overview to build a virtualized network topology from the most base elements it’s as simple as starting a virtual machine with the necessary number of virtualized interfaces and interconnecting these virtual interfaces to other virtual machines or physical interfaces. while there are tools1 which will nicely automate the creation of topologies and handle the lifecycle of VMs. all of these are effectively placing a nice wrapper around the following process....

May 20, 2019 · sulrich