openwrt + cloudflare ddns notes

overview the other day duckdns was all sorts of wonky and there’s no real status update from anyone in the mailers or the google groups. which, is not cool. turns out that the cloudflare API does all of the necessary bits to do dynamic dns and it’s already been integrated into the ddns scripts available in openwrt. misc. steps required create an API key in the cloudflare dashboard that has perms for the necessarly zone....

September 9, 2024 · steve ulrich

openwrt tailscale config notes

openwrt tailscale overview some notes for getting tailscale to work on openwrt (assumes an openwrt 23.x). broadly the instructions on the openwrt wiki are accurate. however, there are a few more steps that seem to be required. of note the installation of the ip[6]tables-nft packages opkg install iptables-nft opkg install ip6tables-nft after these are installed, i found it useful to restart the tailscale service. service tailscale restart then setup the site routes....

September 5, 2024 · steve ulrich

neovim packer to lazy conversion

no matter how long you think it’s going to take, double it. i migrated my neovim configuration from packer to lazy, this results in very fast load times, but it really educated me as to what i do and do not need in my editor configuration on a daily basis. the config is a lot better, but it’s going to require that i maintain some semblance of awareness as to what’s outdated, or not....

September 4, 2024 · steve ulrich