TIL: multipass and cloud-init

TIL: cloud-init will make life easier in multipass world to start a VM and inject my ssh keys into the mix launch the vm with a cloud-init profile that creates your user and injects the right ssh key into the mix. cloud-init.yaml users: - default - name: sulrich sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-ed25519 AAAA .... invoke with appropriate injection. multipass launch -n sweet-jammy-vm jammy --cloud-init ~/.dotfiles/templates/cloud-init.yaml

January 6, 2025 · steve ulrich

TIL: conditional git config

TIL: git supports conditional config for a situation that requires multiple github accounts. you need to be able to toggle a number of config elements to make life happy. git has support for conditional inclusion in the configuration files. if you structure your config and directory structures appropriately you can use the gitdir status to selectively include git configuration elements into the mix, allowing you to toggle between one profile and another....

December 27, 2024 · steve ulrich

TIL: don't need no rectangle

you can bend macos to your will raycast. (worth the pro subscription for cross device sync and the ability to replace a crapton of individual little apps.) has pretty solid window management functionality built into it these days and it does almost everything that i need it to do in terms of layout and snap-to functionality. there was one thing i kept rectangle pro around for namely the ability to move a window around without having to use the title bar....

December 16, 2024 · steve ulrich

osxkeychain credential helper kill! kill! kill!"

the cockroach of gitconfig after every OSX update, or Xcode update, or Xcode command line tools update you will be pestered to hell and back by the ghost of the osxkeychain credential helper dialog box. % sudo nvim /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/share/git-core/gitconfig % sudo nvim /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/gitconfig from [credential] helper = osxkeychain to # [credential] # helper = osxkeychain for some reason this doesn’t get surfaced when running … % git config --get-all --show-origin credential....

December 13, 2024 · steve ulrich

TIL: belated homekit bridging for wemo

TIL: home assistant is incredible back in september, i had my first generation wemo stuff go totally flaky with the wemo homekit bridge. the bridge it turns out has been abandonware for a while now and i was blithely skating along on borrowed time. i was loath to replace the working wemo outlets with new ones and i didn’t have the inclination to spend a lot of time digging into replacement options and shell out again....

December 12, 2024 · steve ulrich