11-Dec-2024 - links, etc.

links, etc Inside UnitedHealth’s Effort to Deny Coverage for a Patient’s Care — ProPublica not that we need a reminder as to the state of healthecare in this country.

December 11, 2024 · steve ulrich

11-Dec, 2024 - morning links, etc.

links, etc Sally Rooney: When are we going to have the courage to stop the climate crisis? – The Irish Times the ministry for the future outlined a point where attacks against conspicuious consumers/generators of CO2 were lobbed by eco-terrorist groups. in the book, drones attacked executive jets, corporations were targeted with material destruction, etc. against the backdrop of frustration against health insurance companies, political adminstrations that portray climate change as a hoax, increasing economic disparities, are we going to see MFtF type action emerging?...

December 11, 2024 · steve ulrich

10-Dec, 2024 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Meet Willow, our state-of-the-art quantum chip there’s very interesting progress being made here.

December 10, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: last entry point: stories of danger and death in the boundary waters (joe friedrichs)

notes bookshop link recommended: yes i picked this up at the local author’s event at the fitger’s bookstore last month. it meanders a bit but pulls you through on an interesting collection of incidents and stories. there are some interesting nuggets in here around the media’s handling of wilderness incidents, cautionary notes re: planning and stories of folks who just weren’t wired for society. oh, and wolves. (just kinda)

December 10, 2024 · steve ulrich

reading: antarctica (kim stanley robinson)

notes bookshop link recommended: yes because i’m a sucker for pretty much all things KSR. this was a fun read, pulpy in all of its 1990s aspects with an interesting take on the fictional internet and wrist phones. there’s an interesting meta discussion in here about the relationships between scientists/elites, politicians and the masses at large. some of it parallels the tensions and the lack of trust between the technocrats/scientists in our bureaucracy and society at large with a heaping helping of political messiness....

December 8, 2024 · steve ulrich